Project Overview

Monash University, Education Faculty had developed an innovative approach to train, evaluate and capture the understanding of Australian Money within the intellectually disabled community.

Introduction: Education Faculty of Monash University has been working on a learning algorithm that helps individuals train on a subject at their own competence level and increase their capability as they practice. Together with a funding body the Faculty is applying the technique to solve a specific problem on helping intellectually disabled individuals better interact with Australian money.

Problem Statement: In the broader spectrum of intellectually disabled individuals, they find it difficult to understand, identify and use money. This is a barrier to engage with their general day-to-day activities without the support and reliance of another. With the aim to empower and increase practical knowledge of usage of money, there needs to be a way to train the individuals and measure their knowledge. However, such mechanism was not available, and the Faculty of Education have gone to market to technology providers to build a tool that helps them simulate money related real-life scenarios and measure the performance of the individuals.

Solution: Linking Integrating was awarded to build a digital platform in multiple stages, and built the solution in an iterative manner, while the Faculty got to special needs schools and gather data on the experience and usage of the platform.

Following are the stages that was deployed and planned:


Web application to conduct initial data gathering with out integrating the algorithm.

Status: Completed


Android Tablet Application with 3D gamified interaction and data gathering without the integration of the algorithm.

Status: Completed


Augmented reality blended with 3D gamified solution and the learning algorithm fully integrated.

Status: Pending

Outcome: Faculty has tool to collect usage data and responses from individuals who are participating and analyse the data collected. Funding approved based on successful completion of different stages of the platform to advance the research and data collection tool.

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